When you purchase an item from our premium line, you will receive a gift of your choice from our traditional line.ย  Unlike other programs and companies that only gift to a charity of their choice, we give you that choice. You have the power to choose where your gift goes! You can either gift it yourself, or we can donate it for you through our โ€œPass the Loveโ€ program.

During checkout, choose the amount of free items you want to gift yourself, or allow us to donate some or all of it for you. For example, if you purchase 5 premium underwear, you will get 5 underwear from our traditional line to gift as you choose. Keep all 5 and gift to whomever you want, or choose to keep 3 and allow us to donate the other 2 to an organization of our choice such as a women battererโ€™s group, homeless shelter, or orphanage.